Fenugreek Seed

Fenugreek has play very important role in the making vegetarian and non-vegetarian recipes. It is also a good source for home medicine. The Fenugreek leaves also used for making different curry item in India and elsewhere.

In India, the Fenugreek seeds are used extensively while preparing a sambar (a mixture used to cook vegetable curries) and garam masala (used for cooking meat and fish) powder.

Apart form the above, herewith some of medicine values of Fenugreek seeds are listed below:

Blood Dysentery
01. In order to overcome from Blood Dysentery, swallow the mixture of one table spoon of Fenugreek seed and thick curd.

02. Prepare a Kashaya with Pomogranut Fruit outermost skin by taking out all the seeds. This Kashaya in mixed with another Kashaya, which is prepared with Fenugreek seed. Both the Kashaya are mixed well and add little quantity of fresh Honey and consumed latter.

03. Fry the Fenugreek in the panel and make  a fine powder and keep it aside. Now take one cup of butter milk and add one table spoon of Fenugreek powder and then drink.

Pitta or Bile
04. Equal proportion of Fenugreek seed, Biter Gourds, Turmeric stem and coriander are well grinded with the help of curd and make a paste. Apply the paste to the whole body and take the bath after half an hour to one hour.

Breast Milk
05. To increase the production of breast milk, the Fenugreek seeds are fried on the panel and make thin paste by boiling with water. Latter add  little quantity of sugar to it and drink early in the morning after the breakfast.

Cough with Sputum
06. Carom and Fenugreek seeds are taken in equal quantity and prepare Kashaya out of it. Then add fresh honey to this Kashaya and consume at least 3 to 4 times in a day.

07. Prepare Kashaya with the help of one cup of Fenugreek leaves and one table spoon of Raw Ginger. To this Kashaya add fresh Honey and consumed one or two times in a day. This Kashaya has the capacity to cure Cough and Anemia.

Hair growth, Hair Fall and Dandruff
08. Grind the coconut well and take the milk out of it. Then Fenugreek seeds are grinded well with the help of coconut milk and apply this paste to the whole body and take hot water bath after sometime.

09. The Fenugreek seeds are immersed in a coconut oil and kept for 2 to 3 weeks in a bottle. Then apply the oil to the head regularly during the night or before bath. By doing this way, it will remove the white hair gradually.

Softening of Face10. The Fenugreek seeds are soaked in the water and made fine paste using fresh milk. Apply this paste to the face during the night before sleep and face is washed nicely next day morning.

11. Green gram 1/2 k.g., Fenugreek seed 1/4 k.g., Poppy seed 50 gram and dry turmeric stem 50 gram are well dried by exposing to sun on sheet paper or cloth. These ingredients are fined powdered with the help of grinder and apply this powder to the whole body during the bath. This will keep away the all sorts of skin diseases.

Burning Foot12. Fenugreek seeds are soaked in the water and then make thick paste out of it. Apply the paste to the bare foot and wash away after sometime. This will reduce the burning sensation in the bare foot.

13. Prepare the curry or sambar using Fenugreek leaves and consumed regularly. This will keeps the brain, heart, pancreas healthy and in a perfect manner.


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