
Beauty is every bodies concern. Whether it is at the age of teenage or old. Today, in the social domain all wants to keep their health clean and neat, so they want to pose public with glamorous look and handsome. Human being, in order to maintain these thing, he/she himself do lot of R&D on their skin by buying and subsequently applying it on their skin. But end of the day, the result may lead to zero or sometime positive. But all these have some side effect and may lead to diseases. Here is the way, which is harmless, very effective and easy to prepare at their home at a very nominal cost. The 'Ayurvedic Medicines', which has very long history and widely used all across the globe.Below is some of the medicines which is used for maintain the skin and its diseases.

Shiny Skin
  • Mix equal quantity of Lemon juice and butter milk and apply it to the face. This will remove sun burn and make face shiny.
  • Make a paste using Mustard oil, Gram Flour, Turmeric powder and apply it the face.
  • Mixture of Butter and Turmeric powder applying to the face during night before going to sleep.
  • If there is wrinkles on face, take 2 table spoon of Glycerin, half table spoon of rose water and small quantity of lime juice, make a mixture of this and apply during the night before going to the sleep. Early in the morning wash the face with cold water.
  • For Pimples, grind the Basil leaves and make a paste, apply it on the pimples.
  • Take one cup of milk, boil it sufficiently till it become thick. To do this add one lemon full of juice and stir well. By doing this both will become one-juice and keep it for cooling. Before going to the sleep apply to the face and wash after 1-2 hours, also keep for whole night and wash in the morning. This will remove not only pimple and but increases the face glamour.
Skin Freshness
  • Mixture of Castrol oil and Milk in equal quantity, make massage to the whole body will make the skin shiny and fresh.
  • Add Raw wheat powder to curd, make a paste, apply to the face and also to the neck. Wash after 15 minutes with warm water. The process will make your skin white and smooth.
Dry Skin
  • If cracks are their on hand-leg, put the Banyan tree milk and wash it after sometime.
  • Equal proportion of Amla oil, Lime juice are mixed well and apply to the skin, will remove wrinkles, hardness and black spot.
  • Massage the body with oil early in the morning, and while taking bath add 1-2gm of Basil leaves and same amount of ginger powder to the hot water. This experiment will keep away the dangerous disease like Leprosy and also keep the skin away from harness and breaking.
Pimples on Face
  • Pimple can be vanished by applying the paste of Jeera or Clove grind with milk.
  • Jamun fruit seeds are grind with water and applied to the pimple.
  • Green Mints are grid well and before going to sleep applied to the face, will remove face blackets, bubble, etc.
Breaking of Legs
  • Jasmine flower leaf juice of about 400ml mixed with 100gm pure Ghee and needs to burnt. After juice has been burnt, apply the ghee to leg where breaks are existing.
  • Apply the Lemon to the bare foot will remove the skin breaking.


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