Cold and Cough

Basil Leaves
A Cold, many times part of Cough and most of the case caused due to change in climate, polluted water, etc. Usually children, who has very less resistance in their body, easily catches by the cold due weather change, consuming impure water and sometime epidemic. The simple home medicine is given below.

Ginger and Basil leave
On a hot milk add 1-2 gm of dry ginger power and then drink for 2-3 times in a day or 2-10ml of Basil leave juice and 2-10ml of ginger juice added with one table spoon of fresh Honey.

Jaggery, Ginger and Pepper
Consume 2-10gm of Ginger along with 5-10gm of old Jaggery or take half cup of hot milk added with 2-10gm of black pepper and 1-5gm of Turmeric powder.

During night before going to sleep take hot water with Lemon juice.

Mustard seed or Cow Ghee
Every night before sleep add one to two drops of Mustard oil or Cow Ghee with slightly warmed into you nose. This will clean your cold and keep brain healthy.
Banyan Tree

Banyan Tree
Banyan tree`s soft Leaf dry under the shadow light and then make a powder out of it. Add this powder to half liter of water and boil sufficient till water dried up to one quarter. Then take out the water and filter it and add sugar-candy powder and consume at warm temperature. This will remove cold and not only improve your brain power.

A Cough, most of the time caused due to change in climate, polluted water, choking, air pollution, smoking, etc. The Cough can be classified based on time, character, duration and quality. Usually children, who has very less resistance in their body, easily catches by the cough due weather change, consuming impure water and sometime epidemic. The cough can be sometime non productive which is dry cough and productive sputum when is coughed up. The simple medicine is given below, which is useful for both dry and wet cough.

In-gradients: 10 gm of Ginger, Black Pepper of 20 no.s, Cloves, 2 table spoon of Honey, Turmeric powder, Jaggery, Water.

Preparation: Take 2 cups of water and keep for boiling. When the water starts for boiling add, smashed Ginger, powder of pepper and cloves. Water has to boil nicely till the water level has to reduce 50% of its original quantity means 2 cups water should become one cup after boiling. Once the boiling is over take it out and filter the entire thing to new vessel and add Jaggery. To do this add pinch of turmeric powder and honey. Consume this one cup of hot Kashaya only after taking lunch or dinner with half an hour gap.

Tulasi (Basil) Juice
Take Honey mixed with 1-2 gm of Liquorice root (Jestamadu) and 5-10 ml of Basil juice or fry 4-5 cloves consume with Basil leaf.

Long Pepper
Take daily Honey mixed with Long pepper root, dry ginger and Beleric Myrobalan (Tarekayi) stem powder or 2 gm black pepper and 1 1/2 gm sugar-candy along with Honey.

Precautions: Once you consume above medicine do not take any water, whether it is warm or cold, and also do not take fruits or ice cream. Repeat this operation for 2 days for 2 times.


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