
Showing posts from 2012

Fenugreek Seed

Fenugreek has play very important role in the making vegetarian and non-vegetarian recipes. It is also a good source for home medicine. The Fenugreek leaves also used for making different curry item in India and elsewhere. In India, the Fenugreek seeds are used extensively while preparing a sambar (a mixture used to cook vegetable curries) and garam masala (used for cooking meat and fish) powder. Apart form the above, herewith some of medicine values of Fenugreek seeds are listed below: Blood Dysentery 01. In order to overcome from Blood Dysentery, swallow the mixture of one table spoon of Fenugreek seed and thick curd. 02. Prepare a Kashaya with Pomogranut Fruit outermost skin by taking out all the seeds. This Kashaya in mixed with another Kashaya, which is prepared with Fenugreek seed. Both the Kashaya are mixed well and add little quantity of fresh Honey and consumed latter. 03. Fry the Fenugreek in the panel and make  a fine powder and keep it aside. Now take one cu

Body Power

To maintain strong body is an art. Many people consume lot of energy food in order to build their body and muscles. But these are normally has lot of side effect. The science tells that the vegetarian is the most appropriate and best food which suits the human in all respects. My suggestion is to make habit of taking Vegetarian rather than Non-vegetarian. The food like wheat, grains, milk, fruits, etc are very good source of energy and keeps the body health and fit. In Indian, lot Ayurvedic medicines are used to build body and keep them always strong. Few those medicinal practices are mentioned below. Anjeer fruit Preparations: To 1-2 gm of Dry Ginger add equal quantity of Mineral Pitch or Shilajit (Contains at least 85 minerals in Ionic form) or 2-5 gm of fresh Honey added with equal amount of Raw Ginger. Add 3-5 number of Anjeer fruit to the warm milk and drink or eat Anjeer fruit few and then take one cup of milk. Take 1-2 gm of Ashwaganda powder along with jui

Hair Treatment

The Hair problems are mainly caused due to unwanted pressure, not proper washing of hair, experimenting different type of hair shampoo, dust, etc. In India, various practices are used to maintain the hair, which is basically use of hair oil prepared in the home and some oil prepared with combination of herbals and Ayurvedic plant roots, etc. The most the women in India aware of all these techniques as they learn from their elders and also it is traditional practice in Indian family. Dandruff Take 250 gm of fresh butter milk and then add 10gm of Jaggery or Lime Juice. Wash the hair cleanly. To the half cup of butter milk put 2 table spoon of Basen powder and apply to the hair root. After 20 minutes take head bath, this will remove not only dandruff but also helps the hair to grow in very nice manner. Hair Falling Liquorice root Make a thick paste by adding Lime juice to Liquorice root powder or Amla powder. Apply this paste to the hair, this will slow down the hair fal

Dental Problem

Today dental problem is becoming major issue ranging from kids to adults. This is due to type of food, method used to wash teeth, different type of drinks, food habit are causing tooth damage and decay. Today in the world people investing large amount money for the treatment. Below is the some of the medicine, which are used in the olden days by out ancestors to keep the health of tooth. Today also, many part of the people still use these medicines and totally away from tooth diseases. Tooth cleanness and hardness One to two drops of Mustard oil add on lime tree stem and wash/brush the teeth nicely. This helps in whitening of teeth, removes all bacteria and also keep protection from disease like  Payariya. Washing teeth with stem of Banyan tree makes it very strong. Fresh Guava fruit leaf put in side the mouth and chew it nicely until juice spread whole mouth. Keep the juice inside the mouth for sometime and then wash. Stem of Guava fruit add it to the water and boil fo

Cold and Cough

Cold Basil Leaves A Cold, many times part of Cough and most of the case caused due to change in climate, polluted water, etc. Usually children, who has very less resistance in their body, easily catches by the cold due weather change, consuming impure water and sometime epidemic. The simple home medicine is given below. Ginger and Basil leave On a hot milk add 1-2 gm of dry ginger power and then drink for 2-3 times in a day or 2-10ml of Basil leave juice and 2-10ml of ginger juice added with one table spoon of fresh Honey. Jaggery, Ginger and Pepper Consume 2-10gm of Ginger along with 5-10gm of old Jaggery or take half cup of hot milk added with 2-10gm of black pepper and 1-5gm of Turmeric powder. Lemon During night before going to sleep take hot water with Lemon juice. Mustard seed or Cow Ghee Every night before sleep add one to two drops of Mustard oil or Cow Ghee with slightly warmed into you nose. This will clean your cold and keep brain healthy.

Blood Pressure

Truly the low blood pressure or high blood pressure are not a any diseases. These are the symptom other diseases which are there in the body. Low blood pressure can be reduced by pronouncing  mantra, say "OM". Consume the 2-6 gm of Peepal or drink lime juice added with salt. Periwinkle Flower For high blood pressure can be reduced by pronouncing mantra, say "OM Shanthi" before and after food. Consume 11 Periwinkle flower (Nitya Pushpa) daily, will  give lot of benefit for High BP. Rathvaliya or long pepper juice of about 5gm consumed daily will reduce High BP and also helps in bleeding. Garlic pieces are made dry by exposing to sun light and kept inside the glass vessels by adding the Honey on top of it. After 15 days take out the Garlic along with Honey and chew 1-2 pieces, swallow it and after that take glass of milk. By doing this the BP will be always in the normal stage. Consume 1 gm of Reserpine (snake-root plant) and 2 gm o


Beauty is every bodies concern. Whether it is at the age of teenage or old. Today, in the social domain all wants to keep their health clean and neat, so they want to pose public with glamorous look and handsome. Human being, in order to maintain these thing, he/she himself do lot of R&D on their skin by buying and subsequently applying it on their skin. But end of the day, the result may lead to zero or sometime positive. But all these have some side effect and may lead to diseases. Here is the way, which is harmless, very effective and easy to prepare at their home at a very nominal cost. The 'Ayurvedic Medicines', which has very long history and widely used all across the globe.Below is some of the medicines which is used for maintain the skin and its diseases. Shiny Skin Mix equal quantity of Lemon juice and butter milk and apply it to the face. This will remove sun burn and make face shiny. Make a paste using Mustard oil, Gram Flour, Turmeric powder and